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NPK Fertilizers

A Guide To Preventing Rotten Tomatoes Through Proper Fertilization

calendar July 25, 2024

Are you tired of rotten tomatoes and unsatisfied with tomato production? Tomato plants, which are popular among gardeners all over the world, thrive when given proper care. Understanding the doses and nutrients at each growing stage is critical for a successful harvest.

By understanding the specific needs of your tomato plants, you can provide them with the optimal fertilization regimen, resulting in healthy foliage, robust root development, and an abundance of flavorful fruits. Arihant Group of Industries manufactures slow-release fertilizers that are useful for every type of crop including rotten tomatoes. Here is the proper guide to move towards more production of tomatoes and not to result in rotten tomatoes. 

Nutrient Requirements for Tomato Plants:

Before getting into the specifics of fertilizing tomato plants, it’s important to understand the basic minerals required for their growth. Tomato plants require three major macronutrients: nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K), also known as NPK. 

Nitrogen promotes vegetative growth and helps the Synthesis of proteins, Phosphorus is necessary for root development and blooming with cellular division and formation of energetic structure, and Potassium improves general plant health and fruit output with Transport of sugars, stomata control, cofactor of many enzymes, reduces susceptibility to plant diseases. 

Secondary nutrients such as Calcium (Ca), Magnesium (Mg), and Sulphur (S), as well as trace minerals, all play important roles in the growth and development of tomato plants.

Understanding Growth Stages

To get the most out of fertilization, you must fertilize your tomato plants during the appropriate growth phases. Understanding each stage allows you to adapt your fertilizer application correctly. Typical growth stages are:

  • Sprout stage
  • Seedling Stage
  • Vegetative Growth Stage
  • Early budding stage
  • Budding stage
  • Flowering Stage
  • Fruit Development Stage
  • Harvesting Stage

1. Sprout stage: 

The sprouting stage in tomato production refers to the initial phase of growth when the tomato seed germinates and develops into a young seedling. The preferred fertilizer for the growth of the plant during this stage is Mycorrhiza vam powder and Diatomite silicon granule, which are substances or products that are added to soil to improve its physical, chemical, or biological properties. 

They play a crucial role in enhancing soil structure, fertility, and overall health.Enzymatic Mycorrhiza VAM Powder enhances nutrient uptake by creating a network of filaments, improving soil health by promoting aeration and nutrient retention. 

It also enhances plant resistance to environmental stresses, diseases, and pests, promoting healthier growth. This sustainable and eco-friendly farming practice reduces the need for synthetic fertilizers and chemicals. The dosage would be 100 g / acre through Drip irrigation.

Diatomite Silicon Granule promotes plant development, flowering, and fruiting, is quickly soluble, and works regardless of soil pH. It boosts cation exchange capacity, promotes nutrient absorption, and enhances carbon retention. It boosts chlorophyll content, photosynthesis, and enzyme systems, lowers fertilizer usage, and promotes soil porosity. Usage of this can be 25 Kgs to 50 Kgs. per acre

2. Seedling stage:

The seedling stage, for tomatoes, refers to the initial growth phase of tomato plants when they are still in the seedling or young plant stage. During this stage, it is essential to provide the seedlings with the proper nutrients to support their healthy growth and development. High nitrogen promotes better growth and blooms healthy, liquid Urea (N-44%) a slow-release fertilizer is recommended.

Dosage for Liquid Urea (N-44%) ( Slow Release Fertilizer ): 4 to 5 ml/ltr water, through  Foliar application

Nitrogen is crucial for plant growth, promoting strong stems, healthy leaves, and overall plant vigor. Urea, rich in nitrogen, is easily absorbed by plants, promoting rapid growth during seeding. This encourages more branches, fuller plants, and increased fruit-bearing capacity. N-44 improves nutrient use efficiency, needs lower application rates, reduces leakage and volatilization, and regulates nutrient release. This improves agricultural yield and quality while promoting environmental sustainability by reducing nutrient runoff and greenhouse gas emissions. It also promotes sustainable agriculture methods

3. Vegetative Growth Stage:

Your tomato plant begins the vegetative stage about 25-40 days after transplantation. It focuses on developing a robust vegetative structure. During this stage, phosphate is the main component for the Root and shoot development, so the use of Slow Release Liquid Fertilizer DAP 18:46:00 (Diammonium phosphate) is advisable to promote foliar or canopy growth. 

  • Early budding stage: 

Organic + Liquid NPK Gel fertilizer 19:19:19 OR Liquid NPK Gel fertilizer 25:25:25 is recommended for the strengthing of the stem. The Liquid NPK Gel fertilizer 25:25:25 promotes plant growth, leaf development, protein synthesis, and metabolic processes while regulating water uptake, enhancing plant vigor, and minimizing nutrient leaching.

  • Budding stage:

Boron is a vital plant element that plays an important role in many physiological processes, particularly during the budding and blooming stages, so PKB Liquid Gel 35:30:8 is advisable. Phosphorus is essential for root development, flowering, and overall plant health. Potassium aids in physiological processes and nutrient translocation. Boron aids in cell wall formation and sugar transport. Liquid Gel fertilizers, like PKB 0:35:30:08, promote efficient nutrient uptake, enhancing crop yield and quality.

   4. Flowering stage:

The flowering stage occurs between 40 and 50 days following planting. Throughout this period, it is advisable to use ORGANIC + LIQUID NPK 03:50:50 liquid gel fertilizer to feed the plant with the nutrients it requires throughout the flowering stage to help develop healthy pollen in flowers. 

NPK Dosage during the flowering stage:-  Organic + liquid NPK 3:50:50 – 2 ml/ltr water for foliar application

Organic + Liquid NPK 3:50:50 is a complete plant food that contains all of the nutrients plants require for good health and growth. It is utilized throughout the crop cycle to improve plant stress resistance, cell strength, and density building. It also increases metabolism, encourages root and top development, improves stomatal growth, and inhibits leaf, flower, and fruit loss. It also improves nutrient retention and slows soil erosion.

    5. Fruit Development Stage:

The fruit development stage is an important step in a flowering plant’s life cycle since it signifies the transition from fertilized flowers to mature fruits. Your tomato plant will begin to fruit or reproduce between 50 and 65 days following transplantation. This stage includes a variety of physiological processes that contribute to the development, growth, and maturation of fruits. A potassium-rich fertilizer encourages healthy fruit development.

NPK Dosage during the fruiting stage: 10:10:50:2 for 3  ml/ltr water

The NPK fertilizer 10:50:50:2 provides a balanced nutrient composition, supporting plant growth and development. Its nitrogen content promotes vigorous growth, phosphorus aids root development, and potassium addresses deficiency and aids in fruit growth, which determines the size, color, and flavor of the fruit while boron enhances growth and reproduction. This balanced nutrient composition enhances crop yield and quality, and its liquid formulation facilitates efficient absorption. resulting in quicker results and improved plant performance.

6. Harvesting Stage:

After transplantation, tomato plants extend the harvesting period, Using a Calcium + boron dose of 2 to 3 ml/ltr water For the maintenance of the cell wall and cell membrane the mixture of boron with calcium is highly recommended. 

Calcium + boron application improves nutrient uptake efficiency, lowers plant stress, increases fruit quality, and reduces post-harvest losses. It helps to create cell walls, develop root systems, and promote overall plant growth. This liquid solution reacts quickly to nutrient deficiencies or imbalances, resulting in improved fruit quality features. It reduces labor costs and produces high yields in all crops, even horticultural ones.

You can also use calcium + magnesium of 3 ml per ltr of water. Mg deficiency can reduce overall plant health and ultimately quality and yield.


Tomato plants require precise fertilizer needs at different growth stages for optimal growth, development, and yield. Adhering to a well-planned schedule and applying appropriate dosages at each stage of development ensures the plants receive the necessary nutrients. Regular monitoring and modification of the fertilization technique will result in robust plants, abundant flowering, and a plentiful crop of tasty tomatoes. By understanding the exact nutritional requirements and adapting the fertilization technique, tomato plants can thrive and produce a variety of tasty fruits.


  • However, it is essential always to consider specific soil conditions, climate, and other factors while determining the fertilizer requirements for your tomato plants.
  • If micronutrient deficiency is in the plant then apply a mix of micronutrients in state grade.

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